Live in a conducive and home-like environment
woman touching horse

Group Home

Here at All About You Residential Care, we recognize and celebrate the uniqueness of every individual by ensuring a person-centered approach for each person we serve.

Our program structure promotes the development of healthy self-esteem, age-appropriate coping and social skills, self-awareness, interpersonal problem-solving, and positive decision-making in a therapeutic, group-focused setting. Our range of supportive services and the environment will encourage each individual to fulfill their personal dreams and aspirations.

For admission into our home, the individual must be 18 years or older with a primary Intellectual Disability (mild, moderate, or severe) diagnosis.

Our home is a ranch style home located in the heart of Chesapeake. It is a safe and supportive environment that consists of no more than three females living together with similar support needs and interests. Each bedroom is furnished and the residents will have their own private bedroom. Our home also includes an activity room, washer and dryer, cable and wi-fi, and a beautiful deck and yard for outdoor activities.

Our skilled and experienced staff provides 24/7 support and supervision with activities of daily living, health and safety, medication management, behavior management, house management, and transportation to appointments and community outings.

family eating together

Do You Have Questions?

For further inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our contact form. We’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.